Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Surprises According to Humphrey

Humphrey's a hamster and a class pet who lives in room 26. He loves all the kids in class with him and he loves going home with them on the weekends. He also Has some silly problems that you and me know how to solve easily but hamsters are small and can't always do what we can do. There are 3 other books in the series I think this is the forth book. It doesn't matter if you read them in order though I had a little trouble figuring out that Humphrey was a class pet. If you don't like complicated then you should read the books in order. If you like funny and confusing books then you would definitely like this book.
Surprises According to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney


margaret said...

What are some of the silly problems? Does he have trouble brushing his teeth ;)?

Kinnie said...

he thinks this new janitor is a alien

Kinnie said...

he dosen't brush his teeth.

margaret said...

Hahah that's too funny. How does he solves those problems?

Jill said...

I'm glad you liked this book! I'll be interested to hear what you think when you read the first one.

Kinnie said...

margo,you will have to read the book to find out

darla,i'll tell you soon

margaret said...

How come Darla gets to know and not me :(

lol :)

Jill said...

Because I have power over the pint of Ben and Jerry's in the freezer, heh heh. :-)

margaret said...

Such an unfair advantage :( Kinnie if you tell me and not Darla I'll buy you 948098404 new webkinz. Oh snap. lol